Letchon Kawali Recipe and Procedure

Lechon Kawali•

cook time: 2-3 hours

•2 or 3 whole pork belly

•1 or 2 tablespoon salt

½ tablespoon of peppercorns

•2 bay leaves

•oil for your deep fying



•Prepare your pork,prioritize the belly or the bacon cut about 1½ kilo

•Use deep pot to boil your pork meat

•After you boil the meat and it is already soft remove the pork from the pot and set aside the meat for an hour

•Prepare your frying pan and wait for the oil become heat and become smoke

•Put the meat on your frying pan and wait until it will become golden brown

•After the pork crunchy and already cooked remove it from the oil

•Once the meat become cold slice it properly //*
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