What If Im Inlove With My Boss?(Base On True Story)

(photo courtesy of google)

I’ve been plucking up courage to write to you for a long time but today I 
decided to tell my story and probably to find somebody who can give me a piece of advice or just listen to what I have to say. 

The problem is that I’m in love with my boss and I can’t admit my feelings to 
him. Everybody will think that this is just a pretext for getting a promotion or for
keeping my job. They can’t understand that this is love actually. 

And what if he refuses me flatly? I will look like an absolute fool. How will I look him in the eyes? I’ll have to quit my job although I really like it and need it. 
I can feel that his attitude towards me is different but sometimes he acts in the same way with the others.... 

I don’t know…. it’s really hard for me to hide my love but it’s even harder to admit it.  //*
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