This Woman a Victim or Just Rude?

It seems that Typhoon Hagupit got a lot of attention not only in the Philippines but also world wide. It is even one of the popular posts this days. But this woman is making a mark on her timeline. As we all know months ago when Typhoon Yolanda or Haiyan devastated Philippines their's a lot of hoax news that was  been published one of the them is the story behind the member of so called INC ( Iglesia Ni Cristo ) persecuted people that was affected by the calamity. It was mentioned in the post that those people are not worthy to enter the church since the only religion that will be saved is INC only. But later on it was proven that another poser used that victims photo to commit such hoax. It is pity that people now a days are using others profile to gain popularity. On the mid of Typhoon Hagupit another post was been tagged viral since it condemned the same scenario as the previous incident. //*
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