Looks Can Really Deceive

People is oftenly judge by appearance. That's the reason modern day criminals tries to disguise their identity. 

Another incident was reported through facebook and immediately being spread to the public. Base on the post of Christy Sigvathsen there came a lady named Belle came around Thursday 4th day of December around 6pm. Took advantages all the facilities of the salon. It lasted until 12:30 am +8 GMT, 

When Belle said that she is out of cash and needs to widthraw on the nearest ATM left her purse in the salon. But after the long wait of the staff of the salon the girl never came back. It was immediately been reported to the shop owner.

Moral of the story never trust a stranger we can never tell the identity of a person basing on looks alone since criminals now a days is using that simple trick to get away on their modus. //*
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