A Boy Being Killed By Commenting Wew.

MISAMIS ORIENTAL-PHILIPPINES- Base on the news a 13 years old boy get flog to death by his friend because of commenting "wew" in a Social Media.

A first year high school student from Misamis Oriental Philippines was totally injured and gained many damage on his body that cause his death.

A 18 years old boy suspect who killed John Francis is a friend of him who pissed off by commenting "wew" on his post.

John Michael the said victim was commenting "wew" on social media account of his girl classmate and suddenly the suspect who said was pissed off by his comment.

The girl who commended "wew" by the victim was a girlfriend of the suspect friend.

In the night when the crime happened the victim didn't stop puking and felt weak for his body.The family decide to bring John Michael in the nearest Hospital and after the result they knew that there is a blood clot on the left side of the brain of John Francis

November 16 when John Michael complain to the neareast Police Station that while he walking in road from their school the suspect(Who killed John Michael) was waiting for him to pass and then suddenly he flog the victim into death.

The Family of the said victim is seeking for the justice of their child.
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